Theme NoteBook

August 16 2010            
Betrayal Can Lead the Vengeance

Betrayal can lead to vengeance is a dominant theme in Roald Dahl's short story, "Lamb to the Slaughter." Mary Melony was a perfect house women for his husband.She was thinking she live on the most  beautiful  romance in the world.She was thinking she made his husband happy and full of life after a long day of work when she give him something to eat and drink in a place clean and appropriate of what is need when he say he living her is mind was broke,she juste realize, all  what she think was not true,she was in the worst romance in the world,his husband was not happy of this ''Little Happy World".Mary try to do like if he never say this so she continue the routine and search the supper she take a leg of lamb.Patrick saw Mary do every thing like if nothing happen and he say ''for god sake don't make supper for me I'm going out".This word broke the little shell of Mary and in the moment Mary can't control her self,she take the leg of lamb and hit Patrick white the leg of lamb in 10 minute he was is won ex-wife. 

In StarWars of Gorge Lucas the have a lot of betrayal in this story of 6 movie . Anakine one of the hero betrayal the good side  for the bad side for save his love. He fight and kill a lot of is friends for save is wife ,he was so mush thinking he can save her,something he regret is move but he can go back he have to save is wife.At the end of the movie he fight is master. He lost 2 legs 1 arm and is burning at the end of the movie. The guy how say to Anakin he can save his love,the master of the Dark side, know what he say was not true .At the end Anakine was DarthVader  and is wife was dead he realize he betrayal is side for nothing and his vengeance for his dead wife...every body in the galaxy will know his vengeance.

When you betrayal someone are a group is because you have something you can have white the other one like Anakine how try to save is wife are .Mary him doesn't won't every body think is a bad wife at the divorce so she betrayal is husband when she kill her Mary won is vengeance because the father of is child lives her Anakine won is vengeance for is wife how is dead in a sad condition.

                                                              Theme Notebook entry 2#

Showing belief in someone can help a person to feel valued

Showing belief in someone can help a person to feel valued is a theme statement in the short stories “Thank you Ma’am’’by Langston Hudge , when Luella saw the distress on the street of Roger and begin to take care of him and she look Roger not if he was a stealer but she look him more like if he was her son, like he was more important.Because Luella say to Roger after she catch him “You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong”.She begin to believe on him at this point because be a son in a family it’s a important place and Roger need this to feel more valued and then she say “ I would teach you right from wrong”that mean she will take her time for make him understand a lesson of life.One time Roger try to be useful to Mrs.Luella he say”do you need somebody to go to the store”.Like you can see he try to be more useful to Luella to the woman who believe on him and look him like a person you can see when you believe in someone he himself believe on him.

On the short movie “ Make Difference Movie”the protagonist is Miss Thompson when she know the mother of Teddy was dead and that explains is  bad attitude whit the other kid and his grade at school, she begin to believe on Teddy and that make a difference.Miss Thompson begin to paid more attention on Teddy when she began to do this he come back alive”that mean she begin to take more care of Teddy and believe he can have a better grade then “F”and at the end, the life of Teddy is perfect. At the end of the short movie say on the ear of Miss.Thomspon “Thank you for believing in me,thank you so much to make me feel important and showing to me I can make difference “ that showing who the teacher who believe in him make a difference for is life.

You can never tell what type of impact you may have on another life by your action or lack of action.On the both story one person understand what the other person feel inside and begin to believe on the person on difficulty, example like Teddy and Roger  but the protagonist on each stories wake up the person in difficulty and make is life more easy then befor.   <-----Movie Make a Difference