Friday, March 25, 2011

Ethnocentric action from the British over Aboriginals

The ethnocentric view of the first British created a conflict between the two cultures, at first when the British and the Aboriginals were in face a face for the first time both nation try to creat friendly contact. The first day between them was a good start for the both nation, they were dancing and playing games the all night. But the British did analyse that they are a passive group of people who are uncivilized, they were viewing Aboriginals as primitive people. Comparing them selve to the Aboriginals the British was really proud of them selve to be so powerful that they start to treat the first Australian like dust. One time on a news paper of the gouvernement they were sayiing that they are barbarien and savage and who they were trying to make them normal but each mission was failed, when they were discrabing the Aboriginals.
The ego of the Britishmen was so big that they started to replace yam crops(Aboriginals food)for corn and the cut down holy trees, fore pay back the Aboriginals burn farm owned by the British. After the British were thinking that half children should be own like animals so they started to stole half child to trained them to be domestic servants, force them to speak english and to well behave in front of people.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Message of the book ''The Rabbits''

On the picture book ''The Rabbits'' Shaun Tan and John Marsden are showing how much colonization his brutal and it's a emotive action. Because before the aborigene were living in peace and in nature well it was a war free zone and sudently the British are coming to there land and being friendly at first and they are trading stuff but more and more British came and they just said to the aborigene that now they need to move because they want to build and creat family by using the hard way. It's really brutal to take the land of someone else like this how man are mean to each other it a emotive pass to have but at the end you can see one rabbits and one numbats and on a deeper meaning it's like if they forgive each other for what they have done because or the aborigene will just keep fighting to get back the control they were having so you can see that it's a strong image of forgiveness so I think the good statement to explain the book his: history it's made to make use remember importent moment and to forgive the bad thing that have be done.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Marullus and Flavius

On this passage Marullus and Flavius are saying to the citizen of Rome that they are changing there mind about something easily.
The significance of the passage his that we can see that some people doesn't like Caesar and his power and already at the beginning of the book they ty to make Caesar at a ordinary pitch and are trying to decrease the power that Caesar have over te people ''I'll will about
And drive away the vulgar from the streets''on the quote they are speaking to the trophies of Caesar as a vulgar object and they need to put away those trophies who's showing the power of Caesar to reduces his domination over the Roman before he as to much power and be imposible to touch.''These growing feathers plunk'd from Caesar's wing
Will make him fly at a ordinary pitch''On this quote we can predict that someone will do something to put Caesar at a ordinary pitch so I think it's foreshadowing the beginning of a conspiracy.

I am doing a duet with Greg Act1 scene1 line 33-76

Monday, January 31, 2011

Learner's Profile

1. I learn best when I'm close to the front
and have the teacher near or a good team like a friend that I am spending time with because they are understanding my strong accent and what I am trying to say or people who can easily answers to my question because my English is not perfect so I need good people's around me it's in humanities that I'm getting most of my English

2. I need to be more focus or start to read more book that I am doing for now to improve my understanding and my speaking in English be more focus in class and have done my homework and stop always wait and wait before to get over my homework

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning be ready to stop procrastinating in my work and reviewing everything what I have done during the the day

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me I am happy to be in this class and learning English in this class and sometime maybe I will need more help for big work